Táilliúr an Mhagaidh

Play recording: Táilliúr an Mhagaidh

níl an taifead seo ar fáil faoi láthair

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  • Teideal (Title): Táilliúr an Mhagaidh.
  • Uimhir Chatalóige Ollscoil Washington (University of Washington Catalogue Number): none.
  • Uimhir Chnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann (National Folklore of Ireland Number): none.
  • Uimhir Roud (Roud Number): none.
  • Uimhir Laws (Laws Number): none.
  • Uimhir Child (Child Number): none.
  • Cnuasach (Collection): Joe Heaney Collection, University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Teanga na Croímhíre (Core-Item Language): Irish.
  • Catagóir (Category): song.
  • Ainm an té a thug (Name of Informant): Joe Heaney.
  • Ainm an té a thóg (Name of Collector): unavailable.
  • Dáta an taifeadta (Recording Date): unavailable.
  • Suíomh an taifeadta (Recording Location): unavailable.
  • Ocáid an taifeadta (Recording Occasion): unavailable.
  • Daoine eile a bhí i láthair (Others present): unavailable.
  • Stádas chóipcheart an taifeadta (Recording copyright status): unavailable.

(D’éirigh mé ar maidin)

Is d’éirigh mé ar maidin is chuaigh mé chun an aonaigh mhóir
Ag díol is ag ceannacht mar a bhí mo sheacht sínsear romham
Bhuail bean bleid orm is chuaigh muid in éindí ag ól
Is ar chúram na hanachain, d’ól mise luach na mbróg.

Is a thailliúir an mhagaidh nach postúil a d’iarr tú bean
Gan teach gan talamh gan áit ar bith a dtabharfá í isteach
Do shiosúr is do mhiosúr ag imeacht faoin tír amach –
Is a Dhia ‘s a Mhac Dara nár thuga tú an céile leat!

‘Gus tá bean a’msa agus caithfidh sí snaoisín a fháil
A’s tá bean eile a’m is caithfidh sí píopaín a fháil
Tá bean eile a’m is caithfidh sí gach ní a fháil
Ach mo dhiomú ar chailleachai, is deacair iad a útamáil!


I got up in the morning and went to the big fair
Buying and selling as my forefathers have done before me
I met a talkative woman and we went off together for a drink
And damned if I didn’t drink the price of the shoes!

You foolish tailor, don’t you think you’re great
Asking a woman to marry you without a house
Without land, without anyplace you could take her into
Your scissors and measuring-tape all over the countryside
And by God and Mac Dara may you not get the wife!

I have a woman, and she has to have snuff
I’ve another woman, and she has to have a pipe
I’ve another woman, and she must have everything
But bad cess to the old women, they’re hard to handle!


Joe’s stanzas don’t much resemble the usual version of Táilliúr an Mhagaidh; but see for comparison Ríonach uí Ógáin (ed.), Faoi Rothaí na Gréine: Amhráin as Conamara a Bhailigh Máirtín Ó Cadhain (Dublin, 1999), 106-9; also Risteárd Mac Aodha, Na Fonnadóirí: Taispeántas agus Anailís – Fonnadóirí Pharóiste Leitir Móir (Cló Iar-Chonnachta 1996), 65 and tape, side B.
The air is the same one generally associated in Conamara with An tAmhrán Bréagach, and Máirtín Ó Cadhain expressed the view, in an article in An Stoc, that the first verse in this version may be associated with that song; see uí Ógáin, op. cit., bottom of p. 108.

This song has been taken from a commercial recording: Seoda Ceoil 2 (Gael Linn LP CÉF 022).