Baile Uí Laí

Play recording: Baile Uí Laí

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  • Teideal (Title): Baile Uí Laí.
  • Uimhir Chatalóige Ollscoil Washington (University of Washington Catalogue Number): none.
  • Uimhir Chnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann (National Folklore of Ireland Number): none.
  • Uimhir Roud (Roud Number): none.
  • Uimhir Laws (Laws Number): none.
  • Uimhir Child (Child Number): none.
  • Cnuasach (Collection): none.
  • Teanga na Croímhíre (Core-Item Language): Irish.
  • Catagóir (Category): song.
  • Ainm an té a thug (Name of Informant): Joe Heaney.
  • Ainm an té a thóg (Name of Collector): unavailable.
  • Dáta an taifeadta (Recording Date): c.1971.
  • Suíomh an taifeadta (Recording Location): Peter Hunt Studio.
  • Ocáid an taifeadta (Recording Occasion): commercial recording.
  • Daoine eile a bhí i láthair (Others present): Gene Martin.
  • Stádas chóipcheart an taifeadta (Recording copyright status): Gael Linn.

Ag gabháil chun Aifrinn dom le toil an Ard Rí1
Bhí an lá báisteach a’s d’athraigh gaoth.
Casadh an ainnir dom ar bhruach Chill Tártain
Is thit mé láithreach i ngrá le mnaoi.
Labhair mé léithe go múinte mánla
Is do réir a cáilíocht sea d’fhreagair sí.
Séard adúirt sí, ‘Raiftearaí, bheadh m’intinn sásta
Ach gluais an lá seo go Baile Uí Laí.’

Nuair a fuair mé an tairiscint níor lig mé ar cáirde é
Ach rinne mé gáire agus gheit mo chroí.
‘S ní raibh le ghabháil againn ach trasna páirce
Níor thug muid an lá linn ach go tóin an tí.
Leag sí anuas bord a raibh gloine is cárt air
Is a cúilín fáinneach le m’ais ina suí;
Séard adúirt sí, ‘Raiftearaí, bí ag ól is céad fáilte
Tá an siléar láidir againn i mBaile Uí Laí.’

‘S nach aoibhinn aerach ar thaobh an tsléibhe
Is tú ag breathnú síos uait ar Bhaile Uí Laí,
Ag siúl na ngleannta ag baint cnó is sméartha
Is ceiliúr éan ann mar na ceolta sí.
Níl maith sa méid sin dá bhfaighfeá léargas
Ar bhláth na gcraobh atá lena thaobh,
Is níl maith dhá shéanadh, ‘s ní cheilfead choíche
An pabhsaí gléigeal atá i mBaile Uí Laí.

Is a réalt an tsolais is a ghrian bhreá an Fhómhair,
A chailín stuama a mheall mo chroí,
Dá dtiocfá liomsa i gcaitheamh an Fhómhair
Ó dhéanfainn teach duit ar bheagán cíos.
Ach cén mhaith bheith ag caint air ach ní dhéanfad fós é
‘Gus sin é an pósadh nach ndéanfad choíche.
Is a Rí na Glóire, go dtriomaí an bóthar
Is go bhfaighe mé an t-eolas ar ais arís.


As I was going to Mass, by the will of God1,
It was a rainy and blustery day,
When I met a fair one near Kiltartan,
And fell in love with the woman on the spot.
I spoke to her in a mannerly fashion,
And accordingly she responded,
‘Raftery, I would be delighted
If you would come along with me today to Ballylee.’

When I got the offer I didn’t think twice,
But laughed as my heart sprang within me.
We had only to go across the park,
And it didn’t take us all day to get to the house.
She set the table with drink and glasses,
And the lovely one sat down next to me,
saying, ‘Raftery, you’re welcome to drink —
We’ve a mighty cellar in Ballylee!’

Isn’t it pleasant and jolly on the mountainside
Looking down at Ballylee?
Walking the valleys picking nuts and berries
And birdsong there like fairy music.
All that pales if you got a glimpse
Of the flowery branches nearby.
And there’s no good in denying it, and I’d never hide [deny] it,
The fair flower in Ballylee.

Star of light and fine Autumn sun,
Sensible, capable girl who beguiled my heart,
If you’d come with me during the Autumn
Oh, I’d provide you with a house at little rent.
But what’s the use in talking about it as I won’t do it yet
And that’s the marriage that I’ll never make.
And God above, may the road dry
And may I get the knowledge of it back again.


1. Literal translation is ‘high king’ but the phrase can be used metaphorically, as it is here, to refer to God.

Entry updated on 9th September 2019. The audio recording, previously unavailable here, was added and the recording details and notes were updated.

This song was taken from a commercial CD: Seosamh Ó hÉanaí: Ó Mo Dhúchas (Gael Linn CEFCD 191–2; released in 2007 and re-released in 2018). This is a double album. It combines the original vinyl releases Seosamh Ó hÉanaí (Gael Linn CÉF 028; released in 1971) and Ó Mo Dhúchas (Gael Linn CÉF 051; released in 1976).

Glacann muid buíochas le Gael Linn, ⁊ le Antoine Ó Coileáin go háirid, as ucht cead leis an amhrán a chur ar fáil anseo.

The album can be purchased from the Gael Linn web site.

See also this version of the song by Tom Pháidín Tom.